These past two weeks I have really been trying to think why females are so quick to hate on another female?!?! Even if she is doing her thing, it seems like females have too much pride to even give another props.
So many things have made me think about this recently. Even having this blog has made me think about this topic. I mean, I have had this blog for almost a year & not ONE female has subscribed to follow it, but based on my views, I know for a fact 800 views in one day is not all from a guy lol. But it is not that they don't like my blog, it is the simple fact that they would rather not support it.
Another thing, I sometimes have my twitter on private, but I think it is so funny how some females feel too inferior to even send a request to follow me. Its like females don't want another chick to think that they are on top. A female will bring another female down quicker than a guy would to another guy. A female's mindset is so funny to me. They will be the biggest groupie for an NFL player or a Rapper, but have the most harsh words to say about Nicki Minaj or Beyonce. It kills me!
Females can be either your best friend or your worst enemy, there is no in between, no lukewarm. I get the most dirty, nastiest looks from females that have no clue who I am, never saw me in their life, & don't even know my first name.
African American females need to do better with this, it is just getting worse. You can say Im being racist, but in actuality, Im just being real. No Caucasian female has ever given me a dirty look, because, simply, they have no reason to. A white female does not care about the next b_tch, because they feel like either the next b_tch will be on top with them, or the next b_tch is so beneath them that they become a non-factor. Think about it.
I had a doctor's appointment last week, I was so excited, because I got up & was about 45 min early, but as soon as I walked in, I immediately received a look from the two African American front desk female clerks. The look on their face was like "Who this b_tch think she is?" LOL it kills me!!!
If you ever thought a man's pride is larger than a female, think again! I'll put my money on a females ego ANY day.
Point Blank: We need to do better as African American females. If the b_tch comes in the club & all eyes are on her, if she bad, then damn give that b_tch some credit, wink your eye at her too hell! lol I mean seriously. If some of your guy friends are giving a female props, don't bash her, it only makes you look insecure. If a female deserves a compliment, don't give that stank look like "Who the f_ck are you?!", give her the compliment with a smile, it would probably make YOUR day better. Last but not least, if a female is making money & doing her thing, support her, stop letting your ego make you become so cold hearted, its not worth it Ladies.
Hope I made a difference...