Friday, February 25, 2011

Where is the baddest b*tch in the world?

I have been talking to different people about the topic of Who is "the baddest b*tch"??? I have discussed it with both men and women and received different opinions. I have heard so many women, since Trina, be so quick to call themselves "the Baddest B*tch", but why? What makes you the Baddest B*tch? What do you have that the other females do not? Is it your beauty? personality? fashion sense? sex game? What is it? Because I have seen PLENTY of beautiful women, PLENTY of interesting women, and PLENTY of women who have style with an amazing sex game ;-) 

And that becomes the top #1 reason I have never referred to myself as "The Baddest B*tch! Now pleeeease don't get me wrong, as you can see I am beautiful and those who know me always say it is a pleasure to be around me, I also have a great deal of fashion and my, just know it up there, lol. 

But the point I am trying to make is, no one female can hold the title of the "Baddest B*tch". Every female has certain aspects of themselves that can make them at the top, or at the bottom. Just because you meet a pretty female with all of these great qualities, don't think twice that she is the only one in the world with those "bad b*tch" qualities. 

Instead of a guy saying "I want to find the baddest in the world", I would rather he say "I found this girl, TO ME, she is beautiful, I love being around her, she can dress, and ohhh babygirl sex game is amazinnng!!!" So guys, don't go searching for that "Baddest B*tch" go searching for that female who makes you forget that all those other females exist :-)